Bedtime Picture Chart

I added a picture chart above Reece’s Quiet Spot to help him see when steps are completed at bedtime. My hope is he’ll understand that once the picture is removed and put in the envelope, he cannot repeat that step. (it’s not the most visually pleasing thing I have ever made, but it’s simple, covered in contact paper and Velcro, and it’s done!)


We started Sunday night and he was excited! But Monday night he could not stop focusing on his music box picture. He cried and Daddy held him while I helped him complete the steps. He giggled when it was time to get out the music box and we turned it on. When all pictures were removed and lights were out, he cried and cried for water. This was one of the steps he would try to repeat over and over before we started Melatonin, so I told him “water is all done” and I put him in his crib and tried to help him calm down. 10 minutes later, with Daddy’s suggestion, I gave him water and another 7 minutes after I left the bedroom, Reece stopped crying and fell asleep. My patience is short this time a day and my heart hurts with guilt.

I will add “water” to our picture chart as our step after music is turned on. I really hope this helps. We’re going to stop Melatonin tonight (10 nights in a row), and only give it on Big Brother’s school nights when he’s having difficulties falling asleep.

I am looking at 2 different websites for weighted blankets as our last step to help Reece fall asleep. They are between $80 and $120 for his weight and crib size. I spoke with his Developmental Therapist and the Autism Specialist from TEACCH to narrow down my search. The price is overwhelming, but I am leaning towards the more expensive option through because they have a trade in option when your child needs to upgrade as they grow.

The money will come..

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